Our approach to sustainability
As a PPE company, we recognise the importance of integrating sustainability into our operations and products. Our sustainability statement plan revolves around key principles that prioritise the well-being of both people and the planet.
In line with the green transition trend, biomass energy is also gradually becoming more popular and widely applied. Quotex Systems Limited utilise Biomass as a key component in the production of their products.
Biomass energy is a clean energy source produced from biological materials and organic
matter. Biomass energy is referred to as a “Renewable Resource” a very important resource on Earth. Below are sources of biomass, with high renewable potential, being utilised to generate biomass energy.
Agricultural residues
including residual by-products after each harvest season, unused parts of crops, inedible flower parts after harvest, residual from non-food crops specialized for bioenergy, grown for starch, sugar, oil extraction, and essence.

Forestry residues & wood industry by-products
including tree trunks, branches, pruned branches, sawdust, and wood chips obtained after processing wood products. This biomass source is often used as fuel for industrial boilers. Biomass energy is produced from forestry residues & wood industry by-products.
In conclusion, our sustainability statement plan underscores our commitment to promoting sustainability across all aspects of our business. By prioritising recycling, ecology, sustainable development, climate change mitigation, energy efficiency, and responsible economics, we strive to contribute to a more sustainable future.